Video Interview

Please take a moment to read the following before you begin

  • Please ensure that you are dressed accordingly, this is still a formal interview. Your appearance is the first thing the interviewers will judge you on.
  • Before starting please ensure that you are in a quiet room without much background noise (Turn off fans, radios, air conditioners, etc..)
  • Make sure that there is enough lighting in the room so that interviewers can clearly see your face.
  • Please speak clearly into your microphone.
  • Answer the question directly and try not stray too far from what is being asked of you.
  • You will have the ability to retry a question if you feel that you have not answered it satisfactorily, the retry limit can be found on the bottom left of the video screen.
  • Once a video has been recorded you will have to ability to review your answer before submitting it to us.
  • Ensure that you are using a stable internet connection, if you are on your last question retry attempt and you lose internet connectivity you will not get another chance to answer the question.
  • Only start this video interview if you are able to answer all of the questions in one sitting, From the time that the video interview is started the time taken for you to answer the questions is being recorded which can be used as a performance measurement against you.